Dr. Caitlin
As the owner and founder of Within Wellness, Caitlin has been studying health and wellness throughout her entire life. A student at New York Chiropractic College, she learned that health is so much more than food and exercise; it includes everything that nourishes the body on and off the plate, including spirituality. As she peeled back the layers of her own health and her patients, she saw the importance in creating a space for people seek care, as well as to learn and be guided on their path of overall well being.
Her personal journey has led her to yoga, Reiki, nutrition, biology, exercise science, and the obvious- chiropractic! With this background, she acknowledges the importance of not just working with the joints of the body, but also the musculature, fascia and biochemistry. She plans to take the time and care to work with your unique structure, to get you realigned and back to your optimal health.
Book your initial chiropractic appointment as a New Patient, a one hour visit to evaluate and treat your primary complaints. You have a number of options for follow-up appointments. One is a 15 minute quick visit to address your spinal restrictions. Your other options are extended visits of 30, 45 or 60 minutes that allow for more time to address not only the spinal restrictions, but also the muscular and fascial restrictions through manual therapy techniques and/or therapeutic exercises. Manual therapies can include deep tissue techniques, trigger point therapy, cupping therapy, Graston Technique and DRY NEEDLING!
Please be aware that she does not take insurance. However, she does take flex spending or health savings if you have that available. The time, energy and headaches are just not worth it and she would rather be using that time and energy on your care! If you need the care, but can’t seem to afford it, please reach out and we can work something out.
New Patient: $100
15min $45
30min $70
45min $95
60min $120
What’s new? Functional Medicine!
What is Functional Medicine?
According to The Institute for Functional Medicine, “the functional medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness.”
It is patient focused, rather than disease or diagnosis code focused!
Think of it as an upstream approach. Downstream you have your symptoms, which lead you to a diagnosis. Upstream you have the underlying causes of the disease process or dysfunction. If we can identify and correct these risk factors, stressors, weaknesses and imbalances, we can return to a state of health and wellness. We clear the way upstream, so that there will be no issues downstream.
Functional Medicine will most likely benefit and She will most likely focus her practice on those of you that suffer with inflammatory conditions, as well as hormonal issues. Inflammation can manifest in several ways, including skin conditions, arthritis and pain syndromes, autoimmune conditions, headaches and migraines, GI issues, and even type II diabetes. For those of you that remain puzzled by your symptoms and have not found answers to your healing, functional medicine may be the final call you need to make!
If this is something that you are interested in, first you will need to fill out a health, diet and lifestyle history intake form, as well as some questionnaires. Once you have filled these out and we have received your medical records from your PCP and other care providers, then we can schedule your consultation. Prior to that first visit, she will make a thorough review of your intake forms, as well as your medical records.
Your consult will help both Caitlin and you, the patient, establish baseline health issues (past and present), establish your goals and willingness to make changes, establish possible underlying causes of health concerns, and determine tests/labs that may be required for assessment, such as food allergy/sensitivity testing and nutrient testing.
At your second appointment, we will discuss the results of any tests/labs performed, go over your goals and outline the recommended treatment plan. Your treatment plan may include recommended dietary changes, supplementations, practices for rest and relaxation, stress management, as well as movement and exercise.
Follow-up appointments will be made to track your progress and successes through repeat of questionnaires, re-do of first line tests and a review of your goals. Hopefully, we can get you on track to a maintenance program!
Functional Medicine Consultation (60-90 minutes): $250
FM Review of Clinical Findings (2nd visit-30 minutes): $90
FM Follow-up (30 minutes): $90
*This does not include the cost of labs/tests and/or supplements
(some labs may be covered by your insurance)
She has opened her books for May and will only be taking a few new patients each month until she finds a good flow with this new part of her practice. If you are interested, you can email [email protected] or look for the functional medicine consultation appointment request on the booking page. Just remember, your appointment will not be confirmed until all forms and records are received. Got questions, please email us!
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